Anadrol is a potent drug which helps in harnessing the user’s power, develop immunity, help with weight gain and build the appetite. In fact, it is considered as one of the potential steroidal drug available in market today. It is also considered to have one of the fasted kick in times among all other drugs available. Of course, by only looking at the advantages of the drug, one should not start consuming it. There are many other factors which must be taken in to account before starting on any steroidal cycle, such as side-effect, time taken to see the results, amount of intake, effects and allergies.
If you are an athlete or fitness freak and considering for a supplement options for meeting your fitness goals, then get detailed information related to Anadrol and its stacking procedures. If required, it is better to consult your physician as well. Anadrol has a fast kick in time. As a matter of fact, it is considered to have one of the fasted kick-in times. Since Anadrol has short ester components in them, the time of action is rapid. The ester is a term for acid molecules which get attached to the steroids. If the ester chain is long, then the effect for reaction is delayed and takes long time to act. However, with Anadrol, the time of action is low, because the chain of ester molecules is short.
Time taken to see the results:
The time taken to see the results of Anadrol depends on the user. There are various factors which effect the time of action such as physique, health, other medications, gender, time-span of action. Most body builders have reported to have seen the results of Anadrol within a time period of less than 24 hours. Within duration of two weeks, one can see effective strength and weight gains. Anadrol drug does not have high affinity for being the androgen receptors. Most of the effects which are caused due to strength gains are the result of being non-receptor mediated. In other words, it means that Anadrol is perfect agent which can be used for bulking stack along with other anabolic steroids.
Any drug which is abused can cause side-effects and be harsh on human body. If a drug like Anadrol is used before the pre workout sessions or in much higher quantity, it may lead to side-effects. The common health issues which might occur are: nausea, weight loss, jaundice, acnes, oily skin, hair fall, irritation, insomnia. Although, these symptoms commonly appear for other reasons too; one must be extra conscious while intake of any external drug. Anadrol has a bad reputation as being one of the harshest medications. That means, it can be difficult to get rid of the toxins and hence, may affect liver and kidneys.
Natural Alternative to Anadrol:
The popular brands of Anadrol which are available in market are: Synasteron, Adroyd, Anadrol -50, Anadrolic, Plenastril, Hemogenin, Anapolon. When considering synthetic steroids, there is a risk of being banned from your sport for doping. Nevertheless, with Anadrol, there is natural counterpart to it known as Anadrole. It is created using a unique formulation of TribulusTerrestris extract, soy protein isolates, concentrate of whey protein, shilajit herb and acetyl L carnitine. They help the body to recover the production of red blood cells naturally by supplying more oxygen to muscles.